Graduation 2023

Unforgettable Co-creation,
A Remarkable Wrap-up.

From 0 to 1, these 20 Melo Fellows embarked on a co-creation journey with their CEOs. At 2023 Graduation, we witnessed their outstanding growth and achievements, surrounded by 22 inspiring Melo CEOs who graced this event. From insightful discussions with industry leaders at Melo Roundtable to inspiring fireside chats, and co-creation projects sharing, it was definitely an incredible and unforgettable night for everyone on this journey.

Melo Roundtable

Our first-ever Melo Roundtable! By having a productive and authentic discussion about social issues that are important to both the youth and CEOs, our Melo Fellows hope that CEOs and core industry leaders would be enlightened as to the power of dialogue with the youth and thus become more keen to engage with the youth authentically.

Melo Graduation Dinner

Fireside chat with Henson

The graduation was kicked off with a fireside chat featuring Henson, the visionary founder of Sleekflow. Moderated by our Melo founder Kenny, we delved into the ups and downs of Henson’s entrepreneurial journey. His unwavering determination and wisdom left us all truly inspired. 

Graduation presentation

The highlight of the night was the presentation of co-creation journey, where our fellows shined as they took us on a storytelling adventure, unveiling their majour milestones and achievements during the co-creation process. Each team poured their hearts into their presentation, captivating us with their passion and commitment.

Let's hear what other CEOs said